SHARE Newsletter - Inspiration Of A Cancer Survivor Ms. Siyapat Waleerojanakun - Nov.2018

2020-04-21 19:52:38


The decision...refusal of conventional chemotherapy

Despite several conventional consults about chemotherapy, Ms. Siyapat had never received adequate explanations on its limitations and side effects. Besides, there was no further recommendation on how to care for her health afterwards. Moreover, through her self research from reliable resources and experiences of other patients, she decided that chemotherapy is not the answer to true treatment. She witnessed other people suffering from it but usually at the end is not cured anyhow. So she was determined to seek more alternatives to better her body and strengthen the immune system to help fight diseases in the long run.


Attachment files:
SHARE Newsletter - Inspiration Of A Cancer Survivor Ms. Siyapat Waleerojanakun - Nov2018.pdf